Sunday, March 13, 2016

Pen Pal Exchange

Hey everyone!
So I was thinking and I have an idea! I've been wanting to have a few more pen pals for a little while, and I never know where to find some!
So I decided to have a "pen pal exchange" on my blog! So pretty much you use the sign up form I'll provide at the end of the blog to sign up! ;) Now there is one catch, I would like to actually know you, like I would like it if you've commented on my blog in the past, or I read your blog, or one of my friends or followers knows you,  or something! This is just for more of safety! ;)
Here's how it works! In a few weeks, depending on how many people I have sign up, I'll send you the address to who you'll be writing a letter to. I would really like it if this first letter could be sent out in a couple of weeks of me giving you the address! ;) And after that, you'll hopefully  have a new pen pal! ;) Does this all make sense? Any questions?
I can't wait!
Have a sparkly day!


  1. Sounds like fun! I filled out the form. =)

  2. I don't know how Katie...

    1. Don't worry! It's super easy! Do you see the link at the end of the post? If so, all you have to do is click on it and it'll bring you to a sign up form. Then all you have to do is fill in your information and send in the form! Does that make sense? :) If it still doesn't work, just let me know!

  3. Thanks!!!!

  4. I filled it out!!!

  5. :D :D :D :D :D :D
